ESL Website Evaluation

Friday 30 July 2010

Website: Activities for ESL Students


Q1. What does the application attempt to “teach”?

First and foremost, the question can be easily answered if we look at and go through the website. The website is actually meant for learners who want to enhance their grammar and vocabulary without any charge, anytime and everywhere. This is because as what I can see, the website is basically stressed on grammar and vocabulary parts. Learners basically can choose which part of activity they want to work on and they will get the result immediately after they have done with the task. Through the way, learners are able to know their progress in certain parts of exercise hence they will be able to improve their knowledge of grammar or vocabulary. In each part of grammar and vocabulary exercises, all of the exercises are divided into easy, medium and difficult level. So this website is totally suitable for all level of learners.

On the top of the page, it is stated that “Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English as a Second Language (ESL). This project of The Internet TESL Journal ( has thousands of contributions by many teachers”. It means that most of the exercises that can be found in the website are contributed from English teachers from all over the world. So users don’t have to worry about the content of the site because nature of a teacher is to provide suitable knowledge for learners.

Q2. What sorts of things is the application user expected to do with regards to learning the content?

As what has been mentioned above, the application basically stressed on grammar and vocabulary parts. So what I can say here is that the application users are expected to apply their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary into something that is leisure and enjoyable for themselves instead of attending tuition or extra class. The contents of the website were arranged according to the level and this might help users to measure their competency in the exercises. Learners can start with easy level, follow by medium level and lastly, difficult level. By doing so, they will be able to improve their knowledge step by step.

Q3. What sorts of computer skills is the application users expected to have in order to operate/access/use the application?

Basically, in order to operate, access or use the application, the most important skills that learners should have is the internet and browsing skill. If learners have the skills, walla, they can use the website without any problem. This is because the website is very simple and learners don’t need to master advance skills in order to use the application. What learners have to do is just click here and there appropriately, and at the end, they will know their performance. In my opinion, this feature is very important for a learning website so that the contents are usable by all people regardless of their computer competency.

Q4. While you are “playing”/”accesing”/”assessing” the application, does it remind you of anything you do in classroom, or with a teacher, or with a fellow classmate, or in self study?

Yes, certainly. Firstly, this application reminds me of my secondary school, where I have to use such this kind of application for additional mathematics subject. Once a week, we are required to undergo an online test and we have been given a very short time to answer some questions of this ‘cruel’ subject. The operation is just the same with this website, where we only have to choose and click on the right answer. After we have done, the marks will be submitted to the teacher and the marks will be taken into carry marks.

As for now, I always use online application in searching for material that can be used for assignment, especially methodology subject. The materials will make our work easier since we only have to alter and edit the question instead of create the new one. Most importantly, this kind of application is very useful during my practicum semester where I have to prepare exercises for my students. What I need to do is just find for suitable exercise, print, and then distribute to students.

Q5. Can you pinpoint some theories of language learning and/or teaching underlying the application?

Regarding on this question, there are not so many theories can be related with this application because the four skills of learning which are listening, speaking, writing and reading do not merge together to form this website. However, one theory that I can relate with the website is cognitive theory. Two main points that will support my stand are the memory system is an active organized processor of information, and prior knowledge plays an important role in learning. So in incorporating with this kind of website or application, the most important thing that a learner should have is prior knowledge. Students learn in school, and do exercise through the net. That is a good combination to enhance the prior knowledge that they have learned in school.

Q6. How well is the constructivist theory of learning applied to the chosen website?

Fundamentally based on my understanding, Constructivist Theory of learning emphasis on learning method and each student does not learn in a same way. In other words, different students adapt different ways of learning. According to the framework of this theory, this application of website does not meet the criteria of Constructivist theory of learning. This is because the website only provides learners with a single way of learning. However, the usage of this application can be considered as good because just like I said before, this exercise is meant as a supplement for what students have learned in the class. The fundamental of knowledge must come from teacher, not from a computer. Computer should only be a “slave” for students, not a “master”.

Q7. In 1980s and early 1990s, there was a major debate on ‘whether the computer was”master” of or “slave” to the learning process (Higgins and Johns, 1984). In relation to your evaluation – was the computer a replacement for teachers, or merely an obedient servant to students?

This question is a bit ‘open-ended’ to be answered, but I believe that everyone must have different view towards this question. In my opinion, the website or application totally can’t be a replacement for teachers. I want to stress here that although this kind of application can help students to understand certain topic, but it is impossible for students to understand that particular topic from A-Z without the appearance of a teacher. Learning through computer is only a way to enhance and strengthen learners’ knowledge, but the basic of the knowledge must come from a teacher. As for this application, students initially should have the knowledge before they will be able to work on the exercise. So if students don’t have the knowledge regarding on the particular exercise, I don’t think that they will be able to work on this. The fundamental of knowledge must come from teacher, not from a computer. Computer should only be a “slave” for students, not a “master”.

Q8. Would you like to use the application yourself in your future work?

My answer is yes, because of some factors. Firstly, the contents that can be found in the website are very reliable and suitable for all level of students. The source of the exercises comes from teacher from all over the world, so the contents must be reliable with students no matter it is from which country. However there must be some or a bit exercise that totally unreliable that can be found here. So it is become the teachers’ responsibility to choose the exercise that they want to use wisely. Another part that I like about this application is free of charge. The contents of the website can be accessed without any charge and this is applicable if teacher wants to do class in computer lab. All students can do the exercise on their own with supervision from teacher.


There are not so many things I can say about this website since this is a free version. However, some alteration should be taken into consideration by the administrator of the website. The only thing that I want to suggest is to integrate more element of language instead of only grammar and vocabulary. There are so many contributors of material for this website, so I don’t think that it will be a problem for the administrator to renovate this website.



~ Brown, H.D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman
